My "procedures" are on Thursday... today is Monday. Three mornings from now, I will wake up... unable to feed my hungry body. I'll be nauseated from low blood sugar... and likely, dieing of thirst. Isn't that how it always goes when you can't have even a sip of water?
The surgery center called today to "pre-register" me for my "procedures". This consisted of a young woman telling me everything I'd already received in the packet. I guess they figure that by speaking with the patient they are assured I'll show up?
Since I'm gluten free, I'll be sure to pack a safe snack for after surgery... since they always want you to eat before letting you go home. I can't eat crackers or I'll be one sorry chicken. Tonight, I also purchased two more pair of yoga style pants (which I needed anyway) because my belly probably won't feel like wearing jeans for a week or so after (wondering how I'll manage two church services over the Holiday).
What are they going to do to me EXACTLY?
Well... I'm having a laparoscopic removal of endometriosis. This means, Dr. A will make 1-4 tiny (5mm ish) incisions in my abdomen. Through these incisions, he will insert a camera and other necessary tools. They will blow my belly up with gas to enlarge the cavity and allow better viewing pleasure. With any luck, Dr. A will locate every last bit of the nasty endo and adhesions and eradicate them (including the pesky things on my bladder causing me so much distress). Dr. A will also go in and fully dilate my cervix (think giving birth dilate). This will break up the scar tissue that is has sealed over the entrance to my womb (and thus far kept the swimmers out effectively). My big questions for my pre-op on Wednesday are--- conjugated estrogen cream on the cervix following surgery to help prevent formation of new scar tissue (I skipped this vital step the first time my cervix was punched open after my cautery)... AND will we be taking a look inside my uterus as well via hysteroscope to make sure my lining is a-okay (previous surgery may have burned out too much lining).
In all likelihood, I'll be MIA for the next couple weeks with surgery and Christmas upon us... (Not to mention all the littles are out of school).
Am I nervous about surgery? No... I'm actually looking forward to it. Why? Because it is my prayer that this procedure will allow us to conceive a baby or two. Without it, my chances are looking slim (unless we magically come up with 15k for IVF).
So, I'm relaxing... breathing deep since I don't have to be concerned with timing and POAS and watching CM... and waiting, worrying, hoping... I get a cycle off, to just relax. That's a good thing since my acupuncturist is on vacation for two weeks. :-)
Merry Christmas... I'll check back in after the New Year!
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