Tuesday, December 13, 2011

While We Wait

Since baby making is on hold for the next two months, I've decided to jump back on my clean eating bandwagon and shed a few (or 30 pounds). The last time I stuck to clean eating, I lost 40 pounds in just over 3 months... A year later the weight started creeping back on because I wasn't eating clean anymore, going out for dinner too often, and enjoying a few too many mocha's.

I know that weight isn't contributing to my infertility issues as my ovulation pattern has been more regular than ever AND I conceived three children previously with my body at the same weight... this is the place my body likes to be even though I don't like it here.

For the first two weeks (when I know there is ZERO chance of conception)... I am taking Alli as well as recording 100% of food (calories and fat). I'm eating clean... I'm eating every 2-3 hours... I'm drinking lots and lots of water. I'm food obsessed but it's only day 2... it will get easier. Today I took in 1681 calories & 58 grams of healthy fats. I know many people think of a weight loss diet as having a much lower calorie intake, but I tell you this... I would not survive. I've discovered the metabolism miracle of eating clean, frequent, and in the right combination actually allows me to consume more calories than I would on the Standard American Diet.

I'm not sure that I've mentioned... I'm Celiac but 100% gluten free... not sure if that is at all related to the infertility...

Here's what I ate today:
7am- 2 eggs (free range) scrambled, 1/2 cup GF oats, 1 tsp coconut palm sugar, 1 Tbs. cream
8:30am- Coffee w/ 4 Tbs creamer 140 calories/6 grams fat (and not clean, this is going soon)
10:30am- yogurt 190 calories/2 grams fat (better if homemade)
1PM 1 cup brown rice w/ 1 small zucchini & 1/2 cup mushrooms (saute), 1 oz grated cheddar cheese, Celtic sea salt & pepper. 376 calories/ 11.5 grams fat
3:15PM 1/2 Lg. banana w/ 1 Tbs chunky peanut butter 175 calories/8 grams fat
6:00 PM GF spaghetti w/ ground turkey, big organic salad, 1 Tbs Ranch 460 cals/17 grams fat.

I'm drinking lots of water and taking one Alli with each of the three meals.

Maybe the weight loss focus will help redirect my baby crazy brain... :-)

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