Today officially marks the end to cycle 2... AF showed up.
I knew we were out of this cycle two days ago when my BBT dropped almost a full degree. I was surprised AF didn't show yesterday but what I've noticed with medicated cycles is that my progesterone is good (19.6 cycle 1, 23.4 cycle 2)... while I don't know what my progesterone was on non-medicated cycles, I'm assuming that my slightly longer LP is due to the progesterone taking a bit longer to get out of my system since it's a nice, high value at 7dpo.
My progesterone draw on CD22, confirmed my ovulation for CD15 (day of u/s scan) and we didn't IUI until CD16 because scan on CD15 showed one big follicle at 26mm and the LH surge showed on my OPK later that morning... we were assuming O was going to be the NEXT day. However, I woke up on CD16 to an elevated BBT indicating O had occurred already and our IUI wasn't scheduled until 10:30AM.
We went ahead with the IUI... I was praying that the combination of my cervix still being slightly open (IUI cath could PAINFULLY pass through without breaking scar tissue this time) and BD on CD13 PM, combined with IUI on CD16 that we still had a chance...
Amazingly, I've been much calmer this cycle (even calmer than the last cycle). A combination of acupuncture, a plan, and expecting it to NOT work... ? I didn't even really cry this time, although I had a few moments of self pity.
My surgery is scheduled for Dec. 22. Dr. A will go in an remove all the endometriosis implants (including any on my bladder and bowel), flush my tubes to make sure they are clear (and remove blockages if possible), and fully dilate my cervix to break up all the scar tissue keeping it closed.
I'm a bit apprehensive about surgery... but at the same time, I'm looking forward to it. Prayerfully, we will get an all clear afterward and be able to conceive (naturally, even?) OR we will at least have a name as to what is wrong with me. I'm pretty confident that if Dr. A comes back with a poor prognosis, we won't be able to even consider IVF (due to finances among other concerns)... so at that point, I will have to close the book on pregnancy and start exploring foster/adoption (which is likely in our future whether we conceive or not).
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