Saturday, November 5, 2011

Most Severe Pain EVER... and bad news.

Yesterday, midday, I started experiencing what I thought at first was indigestion or intestinal distress. It started as a burning sensation in my abdomen. After a bit it seemed to improve so I loaded 12 kids into the van for an outing... about 15 minutes into our drive I began experiencing such severe pain that I couldn't drive. Devoted Daddy had to leave work (it's grading time and therefore a very busy time for him) to drive me home and help with the kids until their parents picked up. I lay on the couch, curled in a fetal position with a heating pad pressed to my belly.

Dr. Awesome thinks I have a cyst (which is more common when you take fertility meds like clomid)... advised that I take Percocet and rest, call if it worsens, and come into the office in the morning for an ultrasound.

I don't take pain meds... so it took several hours of pain and two calls to the Dr. before I took a pain pill... then I slept. When I woke at 4am, the pain meds had worn off and I was in excruciating pain so I took another one, waited for it to kick in and set my alarm for 7:15 to call the clinic once they were open (thankfully my fertility clinic is open 7 mornings a week).

The good news is that I don't have a cyst... everything looks beautifully normal inside. The bad news is we don't have any clue what is causing the pain... Dr. thinks its likely severe endometreosis given my history.

In other news... I had a beta blood test as part of my work up today... it was negative. At 10dpo it should have shown at least mildly positive if we were pregnant.

I'm really struggling... I had three eggs and perfectly timed IUI and nothing took... what does that mean? Is there a blockage in my fallopian tubes? Could my ovaries be bound with adhesion that are preventing the eggs to enter my tubes? Are we wasting $1000 each cycle trying with IUI... should I stop and have the laparoscopy to figure out what is causing this pain and how its relating to my infertility before proceeding with more rounds of treatment?

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